be said because we all, we are each other s advocates. we are brothers and sisters in grief. we know what it feels like to have our children destroyed over things that we love and cherish about them. right. you referenced again what i referred to often as the appalling silence of good people that, as you recall, were dr. king s words from the birmingham jail. i ve seen that all the time, people who are i think in their core good people who don t know what to do who tend to send the paradigm that boys will be boys and girls will be girls and we re trying to shift that paradigm. and that s why in okahenapen we have an accountability document that calls for . (inaudible) with the idea, like i said, there is not a state going that we don t have a parent that has a dead child. we are dragging everybody to the party because at what point do we say, we can t even say, kids are dying. hundreds and hundreds of children have died when this should be the best times of their life an
another race or religion. and then i had another trial after this was done in another jurisdiction that shall go unnamed, and i would say there were maybe 5 percent of the jurors, potential jurors, who had had meaningful contact with a person of a different race or ethnicity and that s really what this is about. one of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate brussel sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. when we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that embrace diversity and that build a culture that says, you know what, if you want to compete in the global economy tomorrow, pal, you ve got to embrace diversity. why does coca-cola write a brief to the united states supreme court and general motors and microsoft on issues of diversity and higher education? because they know if they want to get ahead, they ve got to embrace that diversity.
and then i had another trial after this was done in another jurisdiction that shall go unnamed, and i would say there were maybe 5 percent of the jurors, potential jurors, who had had meaningful contact with a person of a different race or ethnicity and that s really what this is about. one of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate brussel sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. when we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that embrace diversity and that build a culture that says, you know what, if you want to compete in the global economy tomorrow, pal, you ve got to embrace diversity. why does coca-cola write a brief to the united states supreme court and general motors and microsoft on issues of diversity and higher education? because they know if they want to get ahead, they ve got to embrace that diversity. if they want to continue
day of freshman year, she was well known at the high school already and she was a flyer on the cheer team. always meant to fly. cheerleading wasn t just pompoms, it was standing on other shoulders and doing some pretty dramatic events but also being a flyer, the one on the top of the pyramid, she was the one that was most visible, she was the one that became a star. in december, jill s behavior began to change a little bit. we noticed she began to pull away from the family. we worked very hard to let her do the things she wanted to do and keep it in a safe environment that we had some control over. and that was a difficult task and we worked long hours discussing it with her and what we felt was important and how she should behave. what went through my mind was initially the feeling that she was a teenager, i knew jill was very strong in hr personality and i knew that she was a good kid, a really good both my daughters are great kids. she was just exploring her sort o
and then i had another trial after this was done in another jurisdiction that shall go unnamed, and i would say there were maybe 5 percent of the jurors, potential jurors, who had had meaningful contact with a person of a different race or ethnicity and that s really what this is about. one of my least favorite words is the word tolerance because, you know, i tolerate brussel sprouts but if you simply tolerate the diversity that is america, you are going to, you are aspiring for mediocrity. when we have, and this gets back to your question, when we have leaders that embrace diversity and that build a culture that says, you know what, if you want to compete in the global economy tomorrow, pal, you ve got to embrace diversity. why does coca-cola write a brief to the united states supreme court and general motors and microsoft on issues of diversity and higher education? because they know if they want to get ahead, they ve got to embrace that diversity. if they want to continue