The Delhi High Court on Wednesday observed that a Hindu woman without having her own income has complete rights to enjoy, throughout her lifetime, the property received by her from the deceased.
The Karnataka High Court has dismissed an appeal filed by the second wife of a deceased State employee, seeking family pension upon the death of her husband. In dismissing her appeal upon noting that.
Residents of cooperative housing societies (CHS) face numerous problems that significantly affect their quality of life. One major issue is the scarcity of parking space due to the increasing number of vehicles in urban areas. Conflicts can arise among residents over the allocation and availability of parking spots. Additionally, some housing societies do not have covered parking due to space constraints, exposing parked vehicles to falling debris or adverse weather.
Begini Cara Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa Melepas Rindu pada Almarhum Suami Indra Kurniawan Jumat, 30 Juli 2021 14:00:39 Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa punya cara sendiri untuk melepas rindu pada almarhum suaminya, Dr. Ir. H. Indar Parawansa, MSi.
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM - Gubernur Jatim Khofifah Indar Parawansa punya cara sendiri untuk melepas rindu pada almarhum suaminya, Dr. Ir. H. Indar Parawansa, MSi. Bertepatan hari kelahiran sang suami, di tengah seabrek kegiatan Senin (26/7) lalu, ia menyempatkan berziarah ke makam suami.
Khofifah tidak sendiri. Ia turut mengajak serta salah satu anaknya ke Tempat Pemakaman Umum Wonocolo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Dalam foto yang dibagikan di akun Instagramnya, Khofifah dan anaknya lengkap mengenakan masker penutup hidung dan mulut tampak sedang khusyuk berdoa di depan makam Indar Parawansa.