in this episode of 1hohhftm we go over some experimental electronic, boom-bap, nad other CRAZY WACKY stuffMidwifeLuminolGod Is a CopCocteau TwinsTreasureIvoMarina HerlopPripyatshaolin mantisPetal SupplyHeyTimeKRS-OneReturn of the Boom BapKRS-One AttacksJames FerraroFar Side VirtualAdventures in Green Foot PrintingPetal SupplySinglePersonStill DepthsBest plan for your lifeBrother I Don t Like Getting HighJoncroSingleCudjoe (Maroon War)Software of the SoulDecaying Adderall CircuitryDecaying Adderall CircuitryAngel RadaUpadesaPanico A Las 5amSlowdiveeverything is alivealife