how about decaf? same effect as caffeinated coffee? certainly if the caffeine doesn t do it. the decaf surgery doesn t. eric: bottom line your advice is, you don t always have to have decaf, for high blood pressure. no. jamie: this is exciting, eric, could you run and get us some! cardiac arrhythmias are different and several cups can affect your heart rhythm and speed up the heart and if you have arrhythmia i would be careful, but as far as blood pressure is concerned there is no relationship. jamie: great, thanks, doc, a good start today. sunday morning coffee. and, there s a very interesting study that came out this week, from researchers in sweden and, it says that the season in which a woman gives birth may be connected to the likelihood of getting postpartum depression. this is interesting, doctor, tell us more. it is interesting, that the study came from sweden. where they don t have much light, for most of the year and