Windows-based H2ORDS™ Debugger for InsydeH2O® UEFI BIOS Delivers Convenient Remote Work Capabilities Today s Announcement First in series During This Week s sInnovate25 Showcase Event in Taipei.
make it official [ imitates sirens ] let me introduce the local celebrities. kisaduba, [ silly voice ] kisaduba, [ normal voice ] zibadiba, [ silly voice ] zibadiba, [ normal voice ] zibazibadi. it s like the soundstage 19 was picked up off its foundation, rattled like a baby rattle, and thrown back down. and i realized that my job was, get out of this man s way. because it was so free-form, at that time it was different than all the other situations. you ad libbed a lot of that? oh, yeah, huge. you would go off, and you had people who would, you know, go with it, three cameras good luck. must be a pretty tough bugger. no, not a question of toughness. i am protected by a stellar force field, watch! [ blows air ] see? mork on happy days , that is a star-driven performance. you know, he was a force of nature. robin williams was just a unique comic at the time when he
here to entertain. like you fed me once and i keep coming back. it s been a long day i did fox and friends this morning i needed you brother. i need you buddy. i don t feel bad about taking your bugger by the burger. i haven t eaten all day. jimmy we appreciate it. important announcement for you you don t want to go anywhere. it may be breaking news and i may save you money and i may have won the lottery. see y all. is it me or does evere auditioning for this health insurance commercial look the same? it s not you. health insurance companies see us all the same. that s not good. well, except humana. they see me. after my back surgery, humana sent a home health nurse for five days. helped me get set up, showed me how to manage my meds. .even sent me a week s worth of healthy frozen meals. get out. good i-dea.
here to entertain. like you fed me once and i keep coming back. it s been a long day i did fox and friends this morning i needed you brother. i need you buddy. i don t feel bad about taking your bugger by the burger. i haven t eaten all day. jimmy we appreciate it. important announcement for you you don t want to go anywhere. it may be breaking news and i may save you money and i may have won the lottery. see y all. hi! need new glasses? get 50% off a complete pair at visionworks! how can you see me squinting? i can t! i m just telling everyone!