That a very High Percentage of those clean water pipes are over 90 years old. Have you made a Needs Assessment on how many millions of gallons of water leach into our watershed . We talk about it in very general way. We talk about some gap that was arranged in the 1980s, we talk about certain targets, on always thinking about how are we going to make more money . Those in San Francisco are conserving water, and in our previous discussions i used to be here, and the only person that had a vision about something was tod, the chief financial officer. I never see somebody with a vision. They are always talking about generalities within some subject where you can throw some arrows in the air. So if we have over 1100 miles of clean water pipes in San Francisco and they have a percentage of maybe 70 of them leaking because they are over 90 years old, what are we doing about it . Do we have a responsibility . We talk about a common footprint, this, that and the other. Do we have a responsibili
Running late and we have a quorum. Next item, please. Item 3 is the annual election of officers, discussion and possible action to discuss a president and Vice President , each to serve a onearea term. I would like to nominate president cane for an additional term and make a motion along with that nomination. Ill second it. All those in favour . Opposed . Motion carries. Congracongratulations, madam ch. Thank you. What was the motion . The motion was to elect and i i was unclear, i nominate made a o elect. Are there any comments on that . And im sorry if i was unclear . Very good. Thank you for clarifying, commissioner moran. And for the position of views president , you would like to nominate the current views president francesca vador and what is confusing is who is acting as clear at this moment . Im chair but not doing the nom nations. Who is, the vice chair . As acting chair we have a nomination of Vice President . Any Public Comment . All those in favour say aye and opposed . Con
But artificial turf because theyre concerned of the gopher holes they have in the park and they female that they identify artificial turf, which is more tornadmore i guess they movey from the rubber. Theres a call for an update and that you let me know and i appreciate you bringing that back to life. I think its an important highlight to explore and see if we can then replicate. I dont love artificial turf and it seems to somewhat defeat the purpose of green infrastructure. How does that help our sewer system . Thats a big fight at rec and park of having natural turf versus artificial turf. Having sons that play soccer and baseball, you step in the gopher holes and thats why its been something of contingency in rec and park. Of course, i was going to say the same thing and i recognise the gophers and the gopher holes. There must be some way to do it because i cant do anything in my backyard because these gophers are rough but i think there has to be something rather naturally and creat
Capital Financing Activities of the puc. This is important because the pucs large debt portfolio and credit needs and as always, our management activities both of an issuance and administration standpoint are guided by the various policies that youve approved in the past, including the Capital Debt Service policies, which you approved in 2017, as well as debt and management policies and procedures and finally our debt and management activities are guided by our key debt stakeholders including the oversight committee. So on this slide, youll see a senatsnapshot of the debt inclug Revenue Bonds, lowcost, state and federal loans and it shows the strong bond ratings each of the enterprise currently enjoys. The capital Financing Activities are centered around three areas. One, meeting the new credit needs to satisfy the ongoing Capital Requirements including determining when and how much funds are kne needed to be ang d and the debt portfolios which is one when replaced renewed Credit Facil
Each to serve a onearea term. I would like to nominate president cane for an additional term and make a motion along with that nomination. Ill second it. All those in favour . Opposed . Motion carries. Congracongratulations, madam ch. Thank you. What was the motion . The motion was to elect and i i was unclear, i nominate made a o elect. Are there any comments on that . And im sorry if i was unclear . Very good. Thank you for clarifying, commissioner moran. And for the position of views president , you would like to nominate the current views president francesca vador and what is confusing is who is acting as clear at this moment . Im chair but not doing the nom nations. Who is, the vice chair . As acting chair we have a nomination of Vice President . Any Public Comment . All those in favour say aye and opposed . Congracongratulations, vice pre. Thank you. I will hand this back to our president. Can i just Say Something so that were clear. I wanted to say for my understanding and fulfi