of may. bill: a lot of numbers, isn t it? stew varney, fox business network. good morning. what is the news there? the news is we shell out 305 billion. bring in 180. that means we have a huge chunk of red ink. if you project forward that means we run out of authority to borrow money roughly the end of november. that means congress has to be asked if we can borrow more money. we hit the debt ceiling. the president has to go to congress to say can we raise the debt ceiling above the current ceiling of $16.3 trillion. that is a big political event. bill: we have a election first week in november. you say nothing changes debt ceiling hits end of november? roughly speaking. how to calculate precisely. bill: there is trump card held out there by the white house. they could make a deal. do you believe anything will be done before the election? doesn t look like it. the two sides of the fence are polar opposites.