The district because this is nondrim law its substantially equivalent to the fair housing act, for many years the office of human rights has been investigating with hud. This has allowed me to apply the rules and guidelines emanating from huds office of fair housing and equal opportunity for the proper investigation and disposition of title viii complaints. With respect to management, in addition as management for not for profit, i have provided management for the d. C. Office of latino off fairs and d. C. Office of human rights. In d. C. I was responsible for designing and implementing policies and programs for the economic and social advancement of the latino community. At the office of human rights, i led a successful agency of talent professionals working on combating discrimination in the nations capital. Im confident of the duties that we after heaved under my leadership, whether in enforcement or racing awareness of the wide range of protections that People Living and working in
has been sustained across many administrations republican and democrat alike since the country s founding, and that is no different today. sorry, running out of the north korea was the next one? korea keep at it. iran. yeah. i mean, obviously, and in regards to north korea, our prin principle concern has been the potential for has been the proliferation of nuclear weapons to that country, and the potential that they could spread the technology to others whether they be rogue states or terrorist organizations. we have sought working with others, china, russia, south korea, and so forth to engage the north koreans in six-party talks to try to get them back into compliance with their treaty obligations, to denuclearize and so forth, but in the absence of progress there, we have with u.n. sanction imposed along with the international community, some pretty severe sanctions on many of the activities. we have just witnessed a leadership transition or we are witnessing a tra