A. M. Eastern here on cspan 3. Tonight youve been watching some of our American History tv programming in prime time. Youll find us here every weekend on cspan 3. Well take you live to conferences, imsuppose yums and historical sites. On american artifacts go behind the scenes to w us and travel with us to the nations classrooms where youll hear from college and University Professors on lectures in history. As the 2016 campaign continues, watch past president ial campaigns on road to the white house rewind and journey with us through the 20th century on real america, which showcases documentaries and other archival films. Over the next few weeks, watch for our airings of portions from the 1975 Church Committee hearings investigating the intelligence activities of the cia, fbi, test test. Test test. Test test. Test. Test. Test. Test test test. Test test. Test test. Test test. Test test. Test test. And exclusively through digital devices and phrase digital discoverage. An answer to their
Then, we have a public event thatnnounced the release and announce the public event and announce the release of the volume, and give an overview of the volume. Thats our purpose here today, thank you all very much for coming. Here is the program we are going to follow for the event today. First, after i get through janet currie, who is one of the senior editors of this volume, and the professor of economics and public affairs, at princeton i am not sure how she sleeps. She does all of that stuff. I am going to give a brief description of the policy brief and tell you what the argument of the policy brief is. Our event is organized around the policy brief rather than the entire journal. The only time we will talk about the entire journal is in the beginning. Then we are very fortunate to have Deborah Lubar here, to talk about administrations proposal on the zika virus. Then we will be joined on a panel. A panel of four people will discuss several issues that have come up, and we will gi