The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
The Hour of Intercession is a radio show hosted by Pastor Joseph Parker. This show covers topics of prayer, intercession, the Word of God and features interviews with pastors and religious leaders.
Three women have opened up about their past abortions and how they eventually forgave themselves after struggling with indescribable emotions and, in some cases, addictions. Last month, thousands of pro-lifers from across the globe braved the cold and snow to attend the 51st annual March for Life, where the theme this year was "With Every Woman, For Every Child."