Being here, and let me thank our very esteemed panel of people who have spent their entire lives fighting for Quality Health care and disease prevention in this country. Let me just very briefly introduce some of our panelists before we begin. Dr. Abdul al sayed is a physician,epidemiologist for the city of detroit. He was formerly a professor at columbia Universitys Department of epidemiology and director of the club University Science program. Dr. Allison gulvaney is director of the yale center for Infectious Disease modeling and analysis and professor of epidemiology. She is the youngest recipient of an endowed chair in the history of yale school of medicine. Dr. Victoria dooley is a Board Certified Family Medicine physician and health care advocate. Has worked very hard to make sure all people in michigan receive health care as a human right. Deborah berger is the National Nurses united president. The Largest Nurses Union in the country, and she is one of the countrys top nursing l