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Subscriber only Some of Gladstone s biggest contributors were recognised for their commitment to the community at Gladstone Regional Council s Australia Day Awards on Tuesday. Seven categories were awarded at the ceremony including Citizen of the Year, Mayor s Young Citizen of the Year, Arts and Culture Award, Young Sportsperson Award, Sports Official Award, Community Event or Initiative Award and the Community Volunteer Award. Beloved community member Liz Cunningham won Citizen of the Year for her commitment to various community groups. Ms Cunningham was recognised for her contribution to the Calliope Rotary Club, Gladstone Central Committee of the Ageing, Boyne Tannum Artscape Committee, Rio Tinto Here for Gladstone, Qld Retired Police - Gladstone Branch, National Serviceman s Association - Gladstone Branch, Gladstone Cancer Council - Relay for Life, Port Curtis Historical Society and Gladstone Chaplaincy.