Letter to the Editor - Library foundation seeking help with elevator repair
Editor, As the Havre-Hill County Library is slowly opening after the COVID-19 shutdown, the library staff has discovered another hurdle. The passenger elevator can no longer be repaired with a quick, inexpensive repair. The cylinder at the ground level no longer has solid footing. The Havre-Hill County Library Foundation has voted to help the city/county cover the costs to repair the elevator. In the next few days, many of you will receive a postcard in your mailbox asking you to renew or to become a member of the Havre-Hill County Library Foundation. If you do not receive a postcard, please stop by the library to pick up a postcard or if you want to donate to the elevator repairs. Make checks payable to Havre-Hill County Library Foundation at 402 Third St., Havre, MT 59501. The library foundation is a nonprofit organization and is established with the IRS as a 501(3)c.
How COVID-19 affected the Holidays
Havre Daily News/ Kimberly Bolta
Christmas lights shine Dec. 5 on the Community Christmas Tee at Town Square. Havre Area Chamber of Commerce held the annual tree-lighting ceremony on Facebook live due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Ever-present in the lives of people in Montana, the country, and around the world is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected nearly every aspect of life including the holiday season, which has seen local events cancelled or changed for the sake of public safety. Some events adapted to meet safety restrictions and still had success, with some still to come.