and he s on the offense. the president refuses to same evil evil. he won t even name it. but. the democratic party has become the party of woodstock. they prey upon our most basic primal lusts it s not about life will you sexual freedom. that s what it s all about sexual freedom. virginia s transvaginal penetration bill. they have removeed the portion about forced probing of women. but it may be there under a different guise. and police scandal targeting muslims, this time at yale university and new york s mayor is unaware that he s not president of the united states or head of the fbi. i don t know why keep keeping the country safe is the pinnacles at yale. trying to indoctrinate our can children. the only weapon he can see, a dr. seuss movie. then in indiana this republican state representative again insists the nation is under attack by the radical left wing tactical planned parenthood. the girl scouts of america. they re back. girl scout cookies time.
have turned to virginia where that new bill mandated for a woman to receive an abortion she must undergo an procedure that some call state-sanctioned rape. now the law does not promote the procedure but they call it a gestational exam. withlate yesterday a vote on the bill was delayed as the governor called the legislatures together to amend the language. this afternoon they announceed rye touch faintly that a deal has been reached. i m asking the general assembly to state in this legislation that only a transabdominal or external ultrasound will be required to satisfy the requirements to determine gestational age. should a doctor determine that any form of ultrasound is necessary that will be an issue for the doctor and the patient the government will have no role in that medical decision. the bill with the new amendment quickly introduced on the house floor passed 65-32. while the amendment removed the warding mandating the transvaginal ultrasound the ne