Three new dogs join Gloucestershire police as three crime-fighting canines retire after over 30 years of service to the force. PD’s Elmo, Frost and Maija joined the team on Tuesday as PD Holly a staffie cross springer, Ella a German Shephard and the prettiest dog in the force and Holly a springer spaniel all retire. The three new recruits join following the award of their licences to operate as police dogs. Elmo a two-year-old German Shepherd had a successful first day after his handler PC Dawkins tasked him with searching a large building for a wanted man. After no sign of the man in any rooms, including the loft, Elmo indicated on a small locked cupboard and after challenging from outside the offender gave himself up.
Three new dogs join Gloucestershire police as three crime-fighting canines retire after over 30 years of service to the force. PD’s Elmo, Frost and Maija joined the team on Tuesday as PD Holly a staffie cross springer, Ella a German Shephard and the prettiest dog in the force and Holly a springer spaniel all retire. The three new recruits join following the award of their licences to operate as police dogs. Elmo a two-year-old German Shepherd had a successful first day after his handler PC Dawkins tasked him with searching a large building for a wanted man. After no sign of the man in any rooms, including the loft, Elmo indicated on a small locked cupboard and after challenging from outside the offender gave himself up.