To the ancients, eclipses of the sun were a mystery omens inspiring awe and fear. These days, they’re occasions for party gatherings, like the one Monday around the Mountain Lion Observatory at Fort Roberdeau, where the vibe was like that of a watch party for Sunday’s NCAA women’s basketball championship whose main mystery […]
Washington County AmeriCorps RSVP Coats for Kids would like to thank our community for their continued support of our annual Coats for Kids Winter Clothing Driv
Five animated Christmas scenes will greet Tyrone residents and holiday sightseers beginning Friday as they participate in various festive activities or complete last-minute gift shopping. The elaborately decorated vignettes, sponsored by the Tyrone Chamber of Commerce, “bring the joy of this special season to life,” chamber volunteer Steve Stoner said. “We’ve been doing the animated […]
Five animated Christmas scenes will greet Tyrone residents and holiday sightseers beginning Friday as they participate in various festive activities or complete last-minute gift shopping. The elaborately decorated vignettes, sponsored by the Tyrone Chamber of Commerce, “bring the joy of this special season to life,” chamber volunteer Steve Stoner said. “We’ve been doing the animated […]