other places. from a strategic campaign standpoint and direction of the country standpoint it makes sense. chris stirewalt wrote on fox news .com that democrats giddy over the choice. they will be able to run the throwing grandma off the cliff spot again and again and perhaps win over a state like florida. what do you think? they will try. that was a default in either case that they were going to try. i think that you know, the american public is really thirsty for the truth with regard to how do we get out of this pickle that we put ourselves in with regard to spending and entitlement. how do we prevent going the way of a greece. and so i think that again as a debate point that debate was coming either way. do you have somebody who can i think forcefully argue their view point in contrast. i think you can and i think he has.
and she deals with beckel every single solitary day it s a pleasure. it is. look, what i like more than anything is that i like cain is talking about major revisions in the tax code. newt is in his plan. perry is today in his plan. is this the result of herman cain 9-9-9? yes, because he blazed the trails. he went up in the pole because he had a simple tact reform plan that was pretty radical. he made progress doing that. he dragged everybody else with him and i think this is now front and center and the issue, the debate point in the election of 2012. i think it s a fabulous thing. is changing the tax code the answer at this time? yes. i would like to see a change because it s so burdensome. yes. how else are you going to get the private sector really fired up and moving again? it s got to be tax reform. lower rates, fewer debe deductions and get the private
to run against. congress. this downgrade you ve been reading about could have been entirely avoided if there had been a willingness to compromise in congress. there s some in congress right now who would rather see their opponents lose than see america win. well, is this the stronger president obama? some critics have been waiting for? is it too little, too late? never too little, too late. we re joined by the senior political strategist for president obama s re-election campaign, david axelrod. okay. chuck. i want to ask you, he actually addressed an issue that had become a debate point in the beltway. i know how you guys feel about us beltway folks sometimes. bring congress back, a rough road for the president personally. questions about his leadership, but also the economy, the downgrade. the tea malttuous stock market and he explained why he didn t want to do it, and i guess it is this weird thing.