you notching who we are and who has been here, the history of the land and the people. my ancestors lived sustainable in the southwest and understood future generations would rely on their hard work and sacrifices. i cannot help but think about the environmental tragedies that may have been avoided like the dustbowl, the extinction of the passenger pigeon and the growth of western extreme wildfire if they government had respected the practices of stewarding the earth the indigenous people discovered over millennia. as the country moved west they moved to exterminate, eradicate and assimilate native americans, alaskan natives, and native hawaiians. traditional practices and even the history of native communities, all nowhere is that clear than in the legacy of federal indian boarding schools. for more than a century, tens of thousands of indigenous children were taken from their communities and forced into boarding schools ran by the u.s. government. specifically the depar
which operated from 1819 to 1959 across 37 states. many were funded or sponsored by religious institutions. the court found evidence of unmarked burial sites at 53 of these institutions. this is about one hour. i can t help but think about the environmental tragedies that might have been avoided, like the dustbowl, extinction of the passenger pigeon and growth of extreme wildfires across the west if the federal government had consulted with and respected the practices of stewarding the earth that indigenous people developed over millennia. as the federal government moved the country west, they also moved to exterminate, eradicate and assimilate native americans, alaskan natives and native hawaiians. the languages when my maternal grandparents were only eight years old, they were stolen from their parents culture and communities and forced to live in boarding schools until the age of 13. many children like them never made it back to their homes. each of those children is a m
i can t help but think about the environmental tragedies that might have been avoided, like the dustbowl, extinction of the passenger pigeon and growth of extreme wildfires across the west if the federal government had consulted with and respected the practices of stewarding the earth that indigenous people developed over millennia. as the federal government moved the country west, they also moved to exterminate, eradicate and assimilate native americans, alaskan natives and native hawaiians. the languages when my maternal grandparents were only eight years old, they were stolen from their parents culture and communities and forced to live in boarding schools until the age of 13. many children like them never made it back to their homes. each of those children is a missing family member, a person who is not able to live out their purpose on this earth because they lost their lives as part of this terrible system. this is not new to us, it is not new to many of us as indige
The Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition has launched the first-ever comprehensive digital database of Indian boarding schools that links information from more than one source, with a list of schools and students that dates back nearly 150 years.
The National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition launches an ever-growing public archive that includes listings of students who attended boarding schools.