MADISON, Wisc., Dealing Gov. Scott Walker a victory just as his presidential camapaign gets underway, the Wisconsin Supreme Court in a sweeping decision Thursday ruled the governor's campaign and conservative groups had not violated campaign f.
it seem it is prosecutors are focused on johnson, jordahl and the governor. i can t tell you if you are the walker campaign, on top of dismal job reports today in wisconsin, you almost have to be spinning out of control if you are that campaign now. you know, you involved in the recall and groups like wisconsin club for growth are classified as 501-c-4s. it means they can t coordinate with campaigns and they cannot push candidates on the issues. watch this ad that they ran in 2011. governor walker promised to make government live within its means. though the special interests don t like it, he s making them pay their fair share. call governor walker, tell him to keep his promises and continue fighting for wisconsin taxpayers. senator, does that sound like an ad pushing an issue and not a
activist with the wisconsin club for growth. he s a key consultant togo norwalker s campaign. since walker first became governor he s been working for an outside group and for his campaign. what prosecutors are alleging is that he and deb jordahl worked to garth together money from multiple groups, the state s business lobby, a number of national groups to run efforts to help governor walker and they were aware of this. prosecutors are saying the groups are supposed to act independently but by working with the campaign they were not independent. senator, let me go to you. prosecutors say that under governor walker, two aides were working for both the official campaign, friends of scott walker. and that they weres also running an outside group, the wisconsin club for growth. you were involved in the recall fight. did you have any suspicions
candidate? it absolutely does not. it sounds like it s pushing the candidate. but they didn t use the magic words, vote for or against scott walker. that s not the issue in this investigation. the issue is the governor and his chief strategist coordinating raising money, directing money to funding nationally and telling the groups how to spend the money. that s illegal. it s called collusion in wisconsin. it doesn t matter what the ad says. they are saying it s a free speech issue pt. it s not. it s governor walker, according to the prosecutors, deb jordahl and rj johnson, colluding with independent groups who they shouldn t be talking to in the first place during a campaign. i have to leave it there. we ll be watching this as it develops. state senator john e rpenbach and patrick marley, thanks for your time. thank you, al. thank you. coming up, crisis in iraq.
involvement in this. we have known his campaign was at the center of the investigation. now they are saying he s had personal knowledge of this, was personally involved in fund-raising efforts with outside groups to help his campaign inpatrick, here is wha wrote about two aides to walker. prosecutors allege johnson and jordahl acted as a hub to coordinate activities among walker s campaign and a host of conservative groups to help walker and other republicans in the recall elections. so what exactly does it mean to act as a hub? well, the wisconsin club for growth is a group that s long been active in wisconsin politics. they run ads on issues affecting the state and have been very active in promoting the labor cuts that walker was responsible for. rj johnson has been a principal