The Daily Telegram
RAISIN TOWNSHIP After its proposed road millage failed in the last election, Raisin Township officials agreed to dedicate an additional $300,000 from the general fund for road repairs in 2021.
After roads severely deteriorated when state road funding to municipalities dried up during the recession, the township board established a $95 per parcel Special Assessment District (SAD) in 2014 that brought in an additional $328,500 for road repairs in the township on top of $100,000 a year it budgeted for roads. The SAD, which was in place for five years, allowed the township to successfully rehabilitate many of the main roads within the township.
RAISIN TWP. — The Raisin Township Board agreed Monday to look further into hiring a business to conduct the township’s ordinance enforcement.The township, which enforces ordinances within its borders and other smaller townships surrounding it, at some point in its past decided to combine code enforcement into the role of the building inspector’s position.But over the years, the workload for building inspector Kevin Arquette has increased and the township has been