French weekly Le Poher had to evacuate its office on 20 February 2023 after an anonymous caller said a bomb had been placed in the office in Carhaix, France. Although no explosive device was found, this incident comes on top of several serious acts of intimidation targeting Le Poher in recent weeks.
problems. henry chao said he was not aware of that memo but that some of the problems mention cod have resulted in unauthorized access, misrouted data and potentially identity theft. he s expected to testify wednesday in front of the house oversight committee. the federal government will release the official enrollment estimates this week. toronto s mayor is defiant in the face of scrutiny following his admission he smoked crack cocaine. he said he s not going anywhere. later when asked about an unprecedented city council motion he responded let s get it on. it would ask residents of toronto to ask him to move on. the mayor admitted to smoke crack cocaine while in a drunken stupor a year ago. days later this video surfaced of ford making death treats. he apologized. ford s lawyer said he s considering rehab. now to the shooting death of