What is your resume really saying (and not saying?)
Updated Jan 29, 2021;
Dear Sam: As my job search continues, I need help. I may not be getting results based on my resume or the fact that I do not have very much experience in my degree field. I am a social butterfly, and my journey has included the pursuit of a medical assistant diploma, then an associate’s degree in business, and now a bachelor’s degree in social work. I am searching for clerical positions. What am I doing wrong? – Nicole
Dear Nicole: Let me describe your resume for readers. You open your resume with an objective statement followed by an employment section. In the employment section, you present five positions, three of which have no description of your role. You end with computer and professional skills and education. Let me briefly touch on each area to get you on the right path.
What personal branding rules apply to a young or emerging professional?
Updated Jan 01, 2021;
Dear Sam: I recently came across your column and then took some time to review your website. Except for an 18-month part-time position coordinating children’s programs for a local church, my job for the last 16 years has been educating my children. My oldest graduated from homeschool four years ago and has recently graduated from college. Now, I have a high school junior that is moving quickly toward adulthood.
Things have changed so much since I needed to create a resume, and I have found there is even terminology that I am unfamiliar with when reading and researching how to find a job. I am currently working with another homeschool mom to put together a workshop for our high schoolers to help prepare them for their job/career search. It seems like so much that I find has more to do with changing careers or resumes for people with experience. How do we help our high schoolers get star
How to promote your own post-retirement business and consulting venture
Updated Dec 18, 2020;
Dear Sam: I am a recently retired design engineer. I created an LLC to do freelance design engineering in retirement. In this era of COVID-19, I feel that it’s not practical or safe to get out there and make contacts face-to-face. So, I thought that a better idea would be to gain exposure using digital social media, but I’m not sure the best way to go about it. Friends and colleagues have mentioned various social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, and creating a website. I’m not very fluent in all of that, and frankly, the options are rather dizzying to me. I don’t want to get dragged into the social media “weeds.” I feel that I might end up spending a considerable amount of time on all of that rather than actual design engineering. Can you provide your thoughts and suggestions? Ken
Zara and Sam got back together last month, and have kept public appearances to a minimum since
A source confirmed to MailOnline that Sam took Zara back after Z
ara cryptically posted a throwback to Instagram of the pair kissing
They split in August, with MailOnline revealing in September that Zara had been unfaithful in the first few months of their romance
The current season of Made In Chelsea has followed Zara in her efforts to win Sam back with the pair reconciling in the season finale on Monday night