Ellsworth Police Log Week of Feb. 25
ELLSWORTH Police officers honored requests from several outside agencies last week, ranging from locating a person another police department wanted to speak with to sharing information on a sexual assault investigation. This is not unusual neighboring police departments and other agencies regularly request assistance from the Ellsworth Police Department when needed.
This past week, Officer John Stanley served a summons to a local resident at the request of the Holden Police Department on Feb. 17.
Officer Robert Angelo passed information to the Bangor Police Department after locating a man the BPD wanted to speak with on Feb. 17.
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Following legal wrangling from both sides, local music entrepreneur Awet Mehari is back in custody after his appeal of a sexual assault conviction ultimately failed.
The Regina Police Service (RPS) reported that 31-year-old Mehari turned himself in at their front desk shortly before 9 a.m. on Monday some time beyond the 48 hours the Saskatchewan Court of Appeal had given him upon release of its decision on Friday.
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The province’s highest court said it had weighed additional written arguments filed by Mehari’s lawyer before deciding to dismiss his appeal of grounds not previously addressed by the court majority.