‘Study in India’ gets a boost
IIIT Sri City and UK’s university join hands to work on projects
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IIIT Sri City and UK’s university join hands to work on projects
With enhanced focus on ‘Study in India’ initiative, Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT Sri City) conducted a virtual mobility programme with Edinburgh Napier University, UK, on Monday.
Funded by the UKIERI (UK Indian Education Research Initiative), British Council in India, the event is supported by the Union government to promote educational prospects in India for students from abroad.
IIIT Director G. Kannabiran explained that B.Tech students of both institutions would collaborate to form groups and work on projects during spring 2021. “Organisations such as Swiggy, Futura Analytics, Ernst & Young are participating in the programme as industry partners. The projects are primarily in the areas of computer vision, natural language processing and 5G securit