Joffre Lakes Park will close to the public again Tuesday, as the province and First Nations continue negotiations about how to move forward with reconciliation on the site.
Every Monday on Global Comment, we share the slow, thoughtful, considerate words that our brains - and souls - need but that it's easy to miss in our busy world. We distil the best of the web and recommend just three links every week that you absolutely must see. No fluff, no fuss, just three
Joffre Lakes Park will close to the public again Tuesday, as the province and First Nations continue negotiations about how to move forward with reconciliation on the site.
Reporter Neal Putnam at the Beacon- affiliated media network has outlined the ugly underside of Point Loma Nazarene College in a recent article about how a Nazarene pastor Rev. Selden Kelly lost "his credential to preach after a church jury convicted him of supporting same-sex marriage, which is contrary to the Church of…