on with him. i will ask you don t go on with him? unless mack co rubio comes on with me. let s do a deal. i want to know why the florida senator thinks that we are a weaker country because of social security, medicare and medicaid. if you can work that deal out, if you stick with me on that, mr. hoffa, i appreciate it. i think that would be a fair trade, don t you? i ll get to work on it. thank you, mr. hoffa, appreciate your time tonight. there s a man who sticks to his guns. remember to answer tonight s question at the bottom of the screen. president obama had tough talk for republicans in a preview of his jobs speech. i ll tell the president what else i think i need to hear of this address coming up for working americans later this week. and rick perry has a few super pac folks out there that really want to give him a lot of money. and he s still leading in the latest poll. jim moore will join us for the latest. stay with us.
i will ask you don t go on with him? unless mack co rubio comes on with me. let s do a deal. i want to know why the florida senator thinks that we are a weaker country because of social security, medicare and medicaid. if you can work that deal out, if you stick with me on that, mr. hoffa, i appreciate it. i think that would be a fair trade, don t you? i ll get to work on it. thank you, mr. hoffa, appreciate your time tonight. there s a man who sticks to his guns. remember to answer tonight s question at the bottom of the screen. president obama had tough talk for republicans in a preview of his jobs speech. i ll tell the president what else i think i need to hear of this address coming up for working americans later this week. and rick perry has a few super pac folks out there that really want to give him a lot of money. and he s still leading in the latest poll. jim moore will join us for the latest. stay with us. hey, i m really glad we took this last minute trip!
conference? he s going to say, look, you know, i m protecting the middle class, i m going to protect a million or two million potential jobs, he s going to say save or create jobs by allowing this middle-class tax cut to remain in effect, the tax cuts that were approved in 2001 and 2003 during the bush administration. he s got some strong arguments, some strong talking points. he ll make those points. there will be some disappointment. i suspect in the end the deal will be approved. they ll get the two-year extension in the bush era tax cuts for everyone. remember, the president has other important issues he e wants this lame-duck congress to deal with, including ratifying the s.t.a.r.t. treaty with russia, a high priority for him. if he works this deal out, he might be able to get that ratified by the senate. he needs 67 votes in the senate to ratify the treaty. it s not going to be easy, but i know that s a major priority for the president.