the iranian president boasting that iran got its way with a newly struck nuclear deal. the iranian leader taking to twitter bragging our relationship with the world is based on the iranian nation interest. world powers surrendered to the iranian nation s will. the sixes of the 6-month deal calls for the highly enriched uranium in exchange for released of sanctions. did the world powers surrender to iran? nice to see you, sir. that certainly is an interesting message he is sending to the world. this interim deal is a light swiss cheese. it has holes all in. it the deal allows the iranians to do r and d research and development on centrifuges. our guys say pen and paper. they can design new centrifuges for development. the iranians say no, we can operate centrifuges. at the end of the day what do
deal with iran. what we have to do is make a decision as to given the options available, what is the best way for us to assure that iran does not get a nuclear weapon? the best way is to test this diplomatic pact. understanding that it s not based on trust. it s based on what we can verify. live in washington with more. the nuclear deal calls for iran to cap in a verifiable way its nuclear program in exchange for an ease in international sanctions. today, president obama was try to answer critic, s of the deal. israeli prime minister netanyahu for one said it was a mistake. the iranian president hosseini told his country it was a good deal for tehran. while he didn t mention netanyahu by name, he pointed to national leaders who don t like
challenge at some in congress have already talked about returning to the discussion about imposing tougher sanctions on iran. also within iran some are watching very closely to see the conservatives in that country. there will be calls for the iranian government to withdraw. meanwhile, inside iran you can expect that the inspections are going to get underway. part of this deal calls for almost daily inspectionsment you can expect that to happen. but more importantly against all of this backdrop is going to be the intense negotiations over the course of the next sichx months to try to reach a deal. right now this deal is a temporary onement it is meant to meet short term solutions. the deal to this end standoff once and for all is going to take place over the next six months. veronica? thank you so much.
who feel like iran is just playing with us once again and we re playing into it? well, the term the interim deal calls for daily inspections of the most controversial sites. as well as any workshop and any mine producing the kind of material needed for an enrichment program. so it s unprecedented inspection and supervision of what iran is doing. very ambitiously. but to bill, i have to say, the republicans could have orchestrated a deal a decade ago when the iranians didn t have 200 centrifuges. today they have 19,000 centrifuges. it s, i think, actually rather naive to think that we could strip them of everything through the use of sanctions. there was a deal two years ago ten years ago, probably. don t interrupt me, bill. they had agreed to suspension. this was there was enormous
deal? i share netanyahu s concern. there is letter from senator graham, signed by a bipartisan group of senators, another lert by senator kirk. this will leave them to reactor grade which is only slightly less dangerous than uranium enriched to the 20% level and probably would allow iran to make at least five nuclear weapons right now. patti ann: verification of course remains a big concern. vice president biden says the proposed deal calls for intrusive monitoring in his word by international inspectors to insurer ran is halting enrichment and removing already enriched material as well as dismantling those centrifuges. netanyahu says proof is so important. we just can t take iran at its word. is it even possible to verify or iran already too much time to relocate and hide its efforts? iran seems very good at covert nuclear facilities. there was a report just this week there may be another facility that iran is denying.