judicial system was stacked against him. let s play: [ all ] who s new in the fridge! i help support bones. [ ding! ] .the immune system. [ ding! ] .heart health. [ ding! ] .and muscles. [ ding! ] that can only be ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help u eat right. [ major nutrition ] nutrition in charge. grrrrreat outdoors,hoice and a great deal.at right. ahhh let s leave the deals to hotels.com. perfect! yep, and no angry bears. up to 30% off. only at hotels.com.
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memphis to help rally support for their cause. the next day he was shot dead on the balcony of his memphis hotel. and yesterday glenn beck paraded his ignorance of this tragedy to marginalize dr. king s crusade for poor workers of all colors. wait. hold it just a second. dr. king lost his life for collective bargaining? for the public unions? really? did you know that? because that we have to update our history books because here s the deal.at. april 4th is the 43rd anniversary of the day martin luther king was assassinated after speaking on behalf of the striking black garbage collectors in memphis, tennessee. okay. so i m sure that the fact that they were black and in memphis had nothing to do with his message. i mean, nothing. it was all about unions and collective bargaining. i m sure that s what it was.