firswh will do firsthing. with e, e rs4g? firshaan hdmi out. ly fm rint,thnone deafhaand opitspee dit access www.sprinty deafhaand opitspee dit access www.sprinty mike rowe: today s storyear end sales event. roger s workday. 9 to 5? try 5 to 9. everyday. that s why roger needs the ford f-150. it s the only truck that can keep up with him. best-in-class towing and payload, and now, best-in-class residual value. course, roger would never sell his f-150, even if he had the time. anncr: hurry in now and get a built-ford-tough f-150 with 0% financing for sixty months. mike rowe: remember roger and that f-150?