The Karnataka High Court on Thursday directed its Registry to secure the services of a Certified interpreter through the Ministry of Information and Technology to assist Advocate Sarah Sunny, who is.
The Supreme Court on Friday appointed a sign language interpreter for deaf lawyer Sarah Sunny. Historically, the Supreme Court has never appointed an interpreter at its own expense."We have an.
The Supreme Court on Friday suggested that it could have an interpreter present for all the Constitution Bench hearings so that the court proceedings are understood by everyone, including deaf persons.
With not many offering interpretation of legal matters or having the skills to break down complex legalese, a team of sign language experts seems determined to offer its expertise to those in need.
In a first, Sarah Sunny a lawyer with hearing impairment, presented her case ta the Supreme Court with help of sign languages. - Who is Sarah Sunny, India’s First Practising Lawyer With Hearing Impairment? Here s The Story of Her Inspiring Journey