thank you. thank you maria. maria: now let s take a look at what s coming up at the top of the hour. media buzz here is howie. good morning maria we ll take a very deep dive on the coverage of steve bannon s departure he s always been at war with the press as you know. the impact it will have going back to brightbart, we ll talk to a top editor about that and also the continuing coverage of the fallout from charlottesville , lots of pundits declaring president trump s worst week in office i think they say that just about every week and we ll look at all of the reverberations from that in the way its being covered by the press coming up on media business. maria: we will be there top of the hour, but first we want to get into the it guy, who worked for debbie wasserman- schultz and then president trump headed to arizona as he embarks on his first full week without chief strategist steve bannon. we have our panel on deck. will the latest white house shake up have an impact on the
great. scott pruitt is at the epa. you have other figures at the sec and elsewhere pushing that agenda forward but steve bannon was incidental to that once these cabinet members got there. i would argue the vast majority of the cabinet members donald trump didn t know who they were still doesn t know very much about ham eback on helped pick them. i think at the end of the day, we ll see how general kelly does and i hope he does well. he better pick a new team and make this run smoothly or he will be out the door. maria: i thought when steve bannon resigned or was pushed out that there was a core base of donald trump s backing that would go against him. that would be upset. i don t think that has happened has it? i don t think the 25% of the voters that is there is still for him and bannon himself has made it clear, he still is for him and going to be supportive. the key thing here i think is no one knows who the base was, no one knows except bannon and a few other people in the whi
for gosh sake put it on his desk and quit worrying about the distractions and so what if donald trump tweets some things? there s some things i wish maybe he wouldn t distract his own message and there s battles he gets into. i wish he wouldn t but the fact is he s president. he has an agenda. it s an agenda that will bring real jobs real growth to america which by the way, we re already seeing even in advance of it. just in anticipation. the stock markets exploded. right. jobs at a 17-year high. there s good things going on out there maria. the media is missing most of them. bottom line governor do you think this new debate which is taking place of the russia probe the russia probe didn t go anywhere so now they re all outraged over the confederate statues is that going to mess with the appropriations process and impact the potential for tax cuts? not if the republicans have enough spine to just tell the democrats we re not playing that spill it game. yeah. for a while it was
mcmasters had problems with the president himself so let s just see. i think anybody in the white house and i worked in two of them so i understand what that life is like. it s a lot of insight depending on the man and this in this case it wasn t bannon creating chaos. donald trump has not settled in yet to be an effective president as long as he keeps tweeting steps on his own story infrastructure this week big story, totally blown off the radar screen so i think to a certain extent bannon was a very valuable player and i think the people who conservatives who supported this president and again president won by 75,000 votes and those three states. maria: wow. bannon was a guy, michigan, wisconsin, pennsylvania 75,000 votes. bannon knew where he was going a lot of people telling him he couldn t win those states and he stuck in and made it work. maria: you have to marvel at the aerogance of this guy saying , you know, the trump presidency as it once was is now over. look, there ar
mess around with the appropriations process, even though they may not vote on every final bill, they re going to have a motion to include an amendment and that amendment is going to be we need money to take down the confederate statue s. i don t know the answer to this in terms of taking down all of these statues. i don t know you want to wipe away america s history. you want a reminder of who this country was and is today so this country never goes back to such a horrific moment in time. having said that, having said that, what s your take on how this bufs up the agenda? tax reforming perhaps another healthcare bill that seems to be still out there. is it going to mess up the appropriations process where once again, the people are the losers because the voters, the american people do not get to see their tax reform which is what they want. if they don t get these things it s not because of the democrats. it s because of a bunch of woos republicans who will not stand up to the pressu