Ten people suspected of rioting outside the Opera event center in The Hague will remain in custody for at least another 90 days, a court ruled on Thursday. Four people were released from pre-trial detention, but remain criminal suspects, the Public Prosecution Service said. The police arrested a total of 16 people as part of the investigation into the riots. They are all men between 19 and 48 years old. They reside in a variety of municipalities, including Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Cuijk, De Goorn, The Hague, Maastricht, Nijmegen, Rijkevoort, Rosmalen, Rotterdam, and Utrecht.
Police arrested a 28-year-old Rotterdam man accused of inciting people to commit violence ahead of the disorder and uproar in The Hague on Saturday. The suspect was one of several who distributed a video online suggesting people riotously disrupt an event for members of the Eritrean community, the Public Prosecution Service (OM) said on Tuesday.