Profitability Valuation
The profit margin can answer significantly to find consistent trends in a firm’s earnings, the Co has positive 3.70% profit margin that indicates every dollar of sales a firm actually keeps in earnings, and the larger number indicates improving and vise worse. Gross profit margin, operating profit margin are its sub parts that firm has 72.50% and 15.50% respectively. Moving toward returns ratio, DDR has returns on investment of 2.10% which indicates firm’s investment efficiency or to compare the efficiency of a number of different investments.
While returns on assets calculated as 0.40% that gives an idea about how efficient management is at using its assets to generate earnings. It has returns on equity of 1.20%, which is measuring a corporation’s profitability by revealing how much profit generates by DDR with the shareholders’ money. The firm attains analyst recommendation of 3 on scale of 1-5 with week’s performance of -2.32%. The debt to equit