12 de agosto de 2021, 3:16
Beijing, 12 ago (Prensa Latina) China presentó hoy un informe con los logros en la protección de los derechos humanos de su ciudadanía mientras impulsó la construcción de una sociedad próspera, un sueño hecho realidad este año.
En Irán, inicia la Semana de los DD.HH. Estadounidenses, un evento anual que se celebra para recordar los crímenes de Washington contra el pueblo iraní.
Teherán: Es hora de que el Occidente se adapte a las posiciones de Irán. Yemen condena la campaña de agresión saudí. Critican a Duque por reprimir protestas.
El Gobierno de Irán condena las acciones “coercitivas unilaterales” y denuncia que las sanciones ilegales constituyen crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad.
in november with no notice or public hearing, the health and hospitals passed emergency regulations affecting the state s abortion clinics. the regulations would impose space requirements on providers but not one of the state s existing five clinics would be able to meet. the rules would also make it easier for the state to shut down clinics and harder for clinics to appeal. and the regulation would require women to have had certain blood work at least 30 days before having an abortion. imposing a waiting period that would force providers to perform abortions later in the pregnancy making the procedure more costly and potentially more dangerous. it could also push women past louisiana s 20-week deadline for portions. this week dhh said the space requirements are only for new facilities and will rescind the portion of the rule. but there s been no notion that is the case.