In May, a new era of chaos will begin with DreamWorks Animation’s all-new show, set six years after the events at Camp Cretaceous, when the park closed and the kingdom had fallen.
The USD $186 million agreement significantly expands the publishing company’s opportunities for production and global licensing of its IP across print, screens, and merchandising.
It’s coming! Shannon Tindle’s all-new iteration of Ultraman introduces baseball star Ken Sato, an average young man who can transform into a gigantic superhero, streaming globally this June.
The 25-year-old data analyst shares how he picked up Blender as a hobby, created a unique animation style and subsequently saw his short animations go viral on social.
The popular animated series, renewed ahead of their Season 2 debuts, gives the fearsome foursome of Kitties more time to make their town ‘pawsome’ while the all-dog construction crew keeps their town in tip-top shape.