get much tougher questions than democrats but why? why do you think that is. looking at donations of journalists, the publications, who they give to. it always is democrat over republican. this is a media that has a liberal bent, they exist in confines of manhattan, largely in dc swamp, they rarely get outside of the bubble, i had pleasure to know trump voters from across the country, from texas, and florida and new hampshire. very few reporters get that opportunity, this say liberal profession, unfortunately, the questions don t serve the american people. and you know, i hope it changes, we need young people to go into journalism, those who are equal opportunist questioners. trey: all right. you have a new book out. you have written more books than i have read.
compelled by the same forces as the dc swamp, a corrupt us media, ignoring his deficiencies and now his declining mental acuity and a political system that rewards time served over actual results and merit. for decades everyone in the know in dc new the bike was my the particularly smart nor particularly clever. for as long as i can remember biden s reputation was always that of an all-around next her, a goofball, one who has been elevated beyond his abilities, propelled by his own incumbency. there are plenty of reasons to believe biden is somewhat compromised by old relationships with china, yet the press and big tech worked overtime to deep 6 hunter laptop story from the 2020 campaign just as they largely ignored ts connection to chinese medical researchers. needed has been aggressive and demanding chinese transparency on the viral origins of covid, (Natural News) Donald Trump won in 2016 in large part because he promised to “drain the swamp” in Washington, D.C.
He “lost” in 2020 because the swamp he tried to drain stole his reelection he was that much of a threat to the status quo.
Here’s another example of just what Trump was up against and what any future president like him will encounter if he or she actually tries to return power back to the American people.
As reported exclusively by the
UK’s Daily Mail, materials obtained from that laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in 2019 indicate that a former FBI director, Louis Freeh, essentially paid off the then-sitting vice president, Joe Biden, so that he would ‘oversee’ “lucrative” business arrangements using Hunter as the go-between.
9/11 interrogation program this as the gop begins to make good to target democrats in midterm elections for blocking nominees, new ad running in montana takes on senator john tester who led the charge against dr. ronnie jackson to lead the va. in montana revalue integrity and support our president but john tester spread false information about a respected navy admiral, helping dc democrats derail president trump s veterans affairs nominee, john tester has been part of the dc swamp for far too long. paul: we are bag with dan henninger, kim strassel and kate bachelder odell. so dan, let s go right to the tester ad. what do you make that as a campaign strategy and is it fair? it s a great campaign strategy and it is eminently fair because the democrats