The 118th Congress will open its doors on January 3, 2023. A new class of Congressmen provides new opportunities to right-size federal intervention in education and give parents more choices about where and how their children are educated. A host of issues from preschool through college affordability, to education choice and parental rights require Congress’s attention. Early Childhood Education and Care Following are the steps that Congress should take to put parents and young children first in education and care. The 118th Congress should:
As the Omnibus bill makes its way through the Senate this week,language remains that threatens the future of the D.C. OpportunityScholarship program. Without the scholarship program, more than1,700 low-income children would potentially be forced back into theunderperforming and unsafe District public school system, dashingtheir hopes of a quality education.
Tiffany Dunston is the epitome of an education opportunity success story. She grew up in a poor neighborhood in Washington, D.C., and became motivated in her own educational journey after her cousin who was going to be the first in the family to attend college was fatally shot at the age of 17.
According to a 2007 survey conducted by The Heritage Foundation, 37percent of U.S. Representatives and 45 percent of U.S. Senatorssent their children to private schools: roughly four times the rateof the rest of the population. Members of Congress should supportpolicies that give all families the opportunity to choose the bestschool options for their children.