Look at the place where the the socalled socalled real world real world comes together with the cartoon and comic comes together with the cartoon and world comic world and that is why the. That is title of today why the title ofs todays class class is is bombs and bonds and taxes taxes. American cartoons american cartoons and and comics comics during during world war ii world war ii. I. I can remember can remember from my from my days days in chapel and Chapel School school, where our pastor, our gave us pastor something that gave us stuck with me ever a sermon that has stuck since. With me ever the lesson of since and the. It draws from two parts. Lesson drawstring two parts two separate to separate biblical biblical texts texts and one is. One is from from second kings if youre second kings, if you are interested chapter interested. For where chapter for, where the profit the profit eli shut elijah, not eli, not eli gia jean but eli has somebody shia, had somebody bring him 20 loads
We are going to look at today the place where the socalled real world with a cartoon and comic World Cartoon and comic world. That is why the title of todays class is songs and taxes, american cartoons and comics during world war ii. I can remember, from my days in chapel school, where our pastor gave us a sermon that has stuck with me ever since. The lesson of it drove from twoparts. Two separate biblical texts, one is from second kings if youre interested, chapter 4, where the prophet elisha, not elijah but elisha, has him bringing 20 rolls of barley and he has to feed 100 men. And his servant asked him, how are we gonna do that . We only have 20 rolls of barley. The prophet says, give them to the men, that they may had some left, just as the lord told them, theres an incident from the new testament where, jesus is confronted with a crowd of people 5000, how will we feed all these people . One of his disciples says heres a young boy, with five barley loaves and two fish. Not a lot. I
He graduated with a bachelor of arts degree from wheeling jesuit and has a graduate degree in history from george mason. He has a supervisory park ranger with the park service in florida. You can ask him about fun things he might have seen recently. Why that, lets learn about someone would want to burn down boston. [laughter] [applause] there is a microphone. I am a park ranger in the everglades, so i did not bring any snakes, so everyone can stay in the first and second rows. Todays talk is centered on something farther north. Fan, a Baltimore Orioles there are a number of reasons i want to see boston burn, especially fenway. Today is the road to revolution and boston at the center of that , i figured isition would sum it up in three days. March 5 17 70, december 16, 1773, april 19th 1775. So thanks for coming. We will take questions. [applause] there [laughter] they are important dates. They disrupted the colonies. In as do not happen vacuum. Centralmic events are to the history of r
And if the the supervolcano at yellowstone, which i understand from my reading in terms of geographic geological time, that should be happening pretty soon. Would that be a thing where maybe north america would be wiped out and the population, the rest of the world would have some time to adapt . Or should we have built underground cities we can go to . Any thoughts or comments about that . Yeah. We dont have any control over we dont. You should always be working on building underground cities. So please start soon. But actually underground city would be great if there were a supervolcano. So the val coin know in yellow stone is actually not the same kind of volcano that ebbed the permian period. They would eject a lot of materials but the one that ended the priman was a very longterm eruption. Lasted for at least a thousand years and opened big vents that were just pouring tons of lava and also all this goo into the atmosphere. Another scientific term, goo. So the volcano at yellow st