With school back in session, it can be hard to get back into the routine of early mornings.
Maybe an unusual breakfast choice would help! Carmen has added a new chicken product to her grocery shopping routine.
Carmen s routine has involved Word Hurdle lately. But she may be cutting it from the routine now.
Adapting to a routine at college with all that is happening can be cause for alarm, especially when it comes to free speech and what it does to freshmen students.
For Jules, the first day of school was anything but routine and the first day photo was a fail that only Jules could have! Dave took a moment to congratulate her on finding her cat who ended up in an odd spot in the house.
And part of the evening routine for Jules and her family is a walk. On a recent walk, she had a bit of "God moment" with her girls. And that led to Carmen sharing a similar story with her daughter, Abbey.
The routine around here is to end the show with BIll s BIG Word. And he w