how to solve the jobs problem. gregg: all right. john fund, great to see you. thanks very much. heather? heather: new fears, another mideast nation is looking to go nuclear. could saudi arabia make one of the most volatile regions in the world even more volatile? gregg: and the justice department blocking a south carolina requiring photo i.d. s at the polls. critics say it discriminates against minorities. but does it stop voter fraud? a fair and balanced debate coming up
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the high peace council has given support for an office of the taliban to be opened. that s been quite controversial. we believe the afghan government didn t support this. because they weren t in the direct negotiations about the office. but they have put some strict pre-condition pre-conditions for that office opening. that of course includes the taliban stopping killing civilians, and also other attacks, heather. reporter: what is the likelihood of these talks starting or working? reporter: well, it s very early days at the moment. this does seem to be some movement by the afghan government. they have, of course, put some strong pre-conditions. but an afghan government official said he didn t believe the pre-conditions president buspre-condition were so strong that the taliban would walk away from the office and possibly the peace talk. the taliban has said they won t
and go to the go for life. i tell him i didn t care. he scared me. scared my kid today. heather: ramos i should tell you, he was apparently the alleged person who held up the clerk and another strange turn as police arrested the suspect, he tried to shake hand apparently with the owner. gregg: well, there is a very explosive report on the solyndra scandal. the washington post now finding evidence that the solar panel company slipped toward bankruptcy higher ups in the obama administration curiously exchanging e-mails about the president s political future and his appearances, mostly missing from those memos, the more than 1,000 people who lost their jobs and the loss of hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars. john fund, senior editor for the american spectator joins us. thanks.
worried about a nuclear armed saudi arabia are also concerned about u.s. efforts to help develop a saudi nuclear program that could be used for energy and nuclear programs. including with the united arab emirates agreed to the to enrich uranium or fuel that could be used for weapons. so far the saudis have been reluctant to accept that condition. some analysts fear even if they do it is a deal the u.s. will regret. i think it s a huge mistake for the united states to go ahead with these kind of agreements. it is pretty transparent why these countries want these nuclear energy programs. it is a decades-long process to acquire the industrial, technical and commercial networks that they need to build the first nuclear power but then they could turn that to nuclear weapons. we re giving them the nuclear rope that they could use to hang us. reporter: and fox news repeatedly reached out to the saudis for comment but so far they have not responded. heather? heather: thank you very much, d