Throughout south africa. The child that grows into a childs that rules over the whole world. Vision, the and theon of the woman emancipation of the man. It is this thing that will give the presence in this chamber and at the to our artifice foot of god. Constrain the chelated things. F our historical saidwe want to make of our destiny. The masses who sued her in this role. Of inspired by single vision creating a people centered society. Accordingly, the purpose shall settlement, the extension of the freedom. To pass the test of the legitimacy we elaborate. The government institutions we create, the legislation we are taught. Important most purpose is therefore to have social order in which a single individual will truly mean the freedom of the individual. In such anstruct manner that it guarantees because the liberties and the human rights of all our citizens. Already exist in the constitution. Task of thehe Constitutional Assembly to visit this issue, to ensure that we have the consti