Richard Hedrick, age 73 of Palm Bay, FL passed away on Thursday May 11, 2023. He was born October 4, 1949 in Dayton, OH. Son of Russell and Ada Hedrick.
The following people were arrested on felony charges by law enforcement agencies in Davidson County, and, unless noted otherwise, were either placed in the Davidson County Detention Center or released from custody and are scheduled to appear in Lexington District Court on the date given:
Phillip Lee Small, 51, of 704 Cox Ave., Thomasville, was charged with failure to report new address as a registered sex offender, sex offender residence violation, $20,000 secured bond, March 23.
Bobby George Bates, Jr., 41, of 1183 Hill Road, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon causing serious injury, $5,000 unsecured bond, March 10.
Tiffany Nicole Moore, 28, of 377 Cunningham Brick Road, Thomasville, was charged with felony possession of a Schedule II controlled substance, misdemeanor possession of marijuana up to a half-ounce, driving with expired registration, $1,500 secured bond, April 14.