oil. if you weren t so beho hoelhold the big oil companies you d understand the mess on our hands down in the gulf. haley barbour has made a living protecting the oil industry. in 1991 he founded the most powerful lobbying firm in washington, d.c., and you got it, he represented big oil. maybe that s part of the reason while haley and his buddy, rush limbaugh, want you to believe the spill isn t really that big of a deal. we ll take care of this on its own if it was left alone and it was left out there. it s natural. natural ocean water is. places devastated by oil slicks, where was the place when the guy was drunk, ran a boat prince william sounds. they were wiping off the rocks with dawn dish water detergent and paper towels. the place is pristine now. oh, the place is pristine now. good show preb there, rush.