Democratic leaders in south central Idaho have chosen three candidates to replace Rep. Muffy Davis (D-Ketchum) who is resigning to join the Blaine County Commission.
John Fleisher
A bill that expands wolf hunting in Idaho is headed to the governor’s desk. Conservation groups say the legislation could reduce Idaho s total wolf population by 90%.
Senate Bill 1211 passed both chambers Tuesday just seven days after being introduced. It allows year-round wolf trapping on private land and unlimited wolf tags for trappers and hunters. It also nearly triples the money coming out of the Department of Fish and Game budget for the wolf control fund. The state uses those monies to pay for depredation efforts.
Bellevue Mayor Ned Burns, subbing on the house floor for Rep. Muffy Davis (D-Ketchum), said he confirmed with Fish and Game the bill allows night time hunting of wolves, something not currently allowed for other big game.
The state of the state is strong : Gov. Little gives 2021 State of the State Address as Idaho legislative session begins We’ve come a long way in our fight against the enemy virus, and with the arrival of a safe vaccine just a few weeks ago, the end of the battle is in sight. Author: Celina Van Hyning (KTVB) Published: 3:03 PM PST January 10, 2021 Updated: 4:35 PM PST January 11, 2021
BOISE, Idaho Idaho Gov. Brad Little delivered the 2021 State of the State and Budget Address at 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 11. The address was given from a remote location.
The general public was not admitted into the governor s address, in compliance with Stage 2 of the Idaho Rebounds plan.