With davis and associates. Thank you. Youre welcome. Commissioner vietor do you have another no, im done. Commissioner olague. Yes, i guess that is concerning to me actually. Okay. I just am not sure how much experience consulting groups have working directly with communities of color and low income communities and seniors and more disenfranchised groups so i think the social media works for a certain sector and even a certain generation and maybe a certain whats word . Demographic within a certain range, right, but i think sometimes lower income people have less i think there is still a Digital Divide that is very real in San Francisco. One of the issues that we started taking up a little bit at planning was the issue of outreach and how does one really engage more effectively with those more disenfranchised communities or communities of color, people who language and age and this sort of thing, so i just think thats something that has to be really seriously looked at because i think
And envir Environmental Justice advocacy and many residents in the bay view participated in Community Choice aggregation and perhaps one person here in the auditorium that knows what i am talking about. Michael [inaudible] lynn brown, jerad bloomfield and others. We make trips to sacramento and we do what we could in the bay view. We put solar on all 58 homes and so on and so forth. In the beginning of this discussion i heard something about Climate Change and then i was paying attention to this conversation and theres a lot of fluff. So much fluff it gives you a headache. Now, if you look at a map and some of you have done the outreach, whatever way you did the outreach, if you want to Pay Attention to the Carbon Footprint you have to do anything for the people that are impacted in district 10 and 11 and if you havent done that to the best of your ability you have failed, so dont tell us in the areas that are green, which is where mostly the rich people live, where they send all their
Public hearing or wosh workshop, i would appreciate that there is time on the agenda so the others could be heard. I would like to announce that the board approved in the meeting the issuance of bonds. Your staff has it on agenda to get your improvement with bawsca to work it out. And appreciate all the work of the attorneys and outside attorne attorneys. And we worked well together, this matched what our board approved. No need to go back for other approvals. I hope we can go forward today and issue bonds in midjanuary, thank you. Any Public Comment on this item . Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. Madam secretary, read the next order of business. Item 9 is consent calendar, items are to be considered to be retained by the San Francisco Public Utilities commission, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the commission. Would any commissioners wish to remove any items . Seeing none, we will take them together. Motion . Move. Second. Motion is moved and seconded. Any discussion
Will be able to share with customers the actual Price Premium that they would experience knowing how much they typically consume at their household each month. Its at this point that we will have signed the confirmation with shell. We will then be at this point financially obligated under this program. The opt out mailers then will begin to be sent with this detail. We will do multilanguage, english, chinese, spanish. We will have customers able to opt out respond to us via snail mail or email. We will make sure that we meet the minimum requirements of the law, which is two of the notifications must be mailed before service occurs, and then two of the notifications must be mailed after service has occurred within a 60 day boundary before and 60 day boundary after, so customers will know from us what we think their bill experience will be. Customers who dont opt out after the first two notifications and get enrolled in the program see their first bill and decide they dont want to be par
On that. And second the plan does not take into account the impacts of the roll out and pricing scenarios being developed by local power which you have contracted with to do this, and the rate fairness board wants to study these before recommending the rates which will affect what you tell people in your surveys and outreach. So we respectively ask that you direct the staff to return to you in december or january with a really detailed Outreach Program that clarifies the outreach strategy and integrates local build out and jobs, and infrastructure and incomes into pricing and outreach. Thank you. Hi folks. Nice to see you all again. I think its been a number of months since i addressed you briefly. Of course i speak on behalf of the advocates and we have been very actively involved in this issue and we sent you this later with our considered opinion which i hope you take seriously, serious reservations that we have as advocates representing the community with this particular plan. I wa