Ludhiana: City businessmen who had given ultimatum to Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) to waive off the penalties imposed on them under unauthorised use of electricity (UUE) have started their weekly agitation against department from Monday as PSPCL failed to take back the cases. Dozens of businessmen led by Janta Nagar Small Scale Manufacturers Association (JSMA) shouted slogans against the department and also burnt effigy of A Venu Prasad, chairman of the PSPCL.
Jaswinder Thukral, president of JSMA, said, “As PSPCL did not budge from its anti-industry stand and has not waived off the penalties imposed on us and UUE cases filed against us for using more power load than sanctioned. The deadline given by us to the department passed last week and the chairman did nothing about these cases we have started our weekly protest under which we will visit every sub-division of PSPCL on every Monday and protest against department along with burning the effigy of chairman. It