Q: Our (self-managed Illinois) condominium association is comprised of eight units. Our declaration requires three to be board members. What would happen if we were unable to fill one of the board positions? In the most extreme case, what would happen if none of the eight owners were willing to fill a role and we had no board members?
Q: Our association is professionally managed. The manager assigned to our property by the management company is an owner of a unit in our association. Can the property manager for our association also be a homeowner in the association? Wouldn’t this be a conflict of interest?
Q: Our condominium association hired a pest control company to perform seasonal spraying of the buildings for wasp and bees. I witnessed what to me was unacceptable work. I would like to know exactly what is expected for each building and if balconies are included. Shoddy work should not be tolerated. Can I request the contract for the above work from the board or management company?
Q: Board members are constantly elected on the basis of "keeping assessments low," thus underfunding reserve accounts. This led to a large assessment for a roof replacement. Does an owner have any recourse?
Q: I live in a manor home condominium in the suburbs of Chicago. For over 10 years, a particular owner has been a menace to our community. A large number of residents have filed multiple police reports against this owner for unlawful conduct he engages in at the association.