Accused Atty Killer Can t Appeal Wrongful Death Settlement
Law360 (May 25, 2021, 5:13 PM EDT) A Missouri appeals court on Tuesday threw out a bid by a man accused of shooting and killing an attorney to object to a settlement between a trust fund he operated and the attorney s family, saying that he has no standing to challenge the deal.
The appeals court found that because he is not a beneficiary of the trust, David G. Jungerman was not aggrieved by the trial court s decision blocking his objection to the settlement, as the settlement does not affect his personal or property rights.
confessing, saying, in part, people, uh, know that i murdered that son of a expletive. jungerman stated he had killed a lawyer with a gun and had gotten away with it. reporter: pickert s widow calling the charges justice. to draw on something tom once said, no one gets to be the judge, jury and executioner. reporter: jungerman was already in custody on a separate unrelated case. he s being held without bond. david? alex perez tonight. alex, thank you. when we come back this evening, we have breaking developments tonight involving actor kevin spacey. what we ve just learned. and that cruise ship smashing into a pier. the crew unable to stop in time. the index is next. type 2 diabe. .with fitness .food .and farxiga, the pill that starts with f . farxiga, along with diet and exercise, helps lower a1c in adults with type 2 diabetes. it s one pill a day and although it s not a weight-loss drug, it may help you lose weight. do not take if allergic to farxiga.
next tonight here, the alleged accidental murder confession in kansas city. prosecutors say a suspect mistakenly recorded himself admitting to killing an attorney in front of his home. here s abc s alex perez. reporter: in kansas city tonight, an arrest in the mysterious murder of personal injury attorney tom pickert. my office filed a first degree murder charge against david g. jungerman. reporter: jungerman is the man pickert defeated in court last summer, ordered to pay nearly $6 million to pickert s client, one of two men jungerman shot, claiming they broke into his warehouse. they charged at me, put me in fear for my life. i had no choice but to shoot them. reporter: pickert was gunned down in his front yard last october. suspect was in a white van with no back window. reporter: police questioned jungerman, who owned that van, but released him. but police say a break in the case came when investigators discovered a recording jungerman accidentally made of himself
thinking i d spent more time with my kids, when i know if i spend another term, they will only know me as a weekend father. reporter: he insists it has nothing to do with his rocky relationship with the president, or the prospect republicans could take a beating in the midterms. mr. speaker, did the chance that you might not be speaker come november, if democrats possibly take the house, factor at all into this decision? no. none whatsoever, actually. reporter: democrats are eager to capture ryan s wisconsin house seat. their candidate has already raised more than $4.5 million. and on the hill tonight, house republicans are looking for a new leader. all eyes are on ryan s number two, kevin mccarthy, and the majority whip, steve scalise. well, i think everybody will start jockeying for position immediately. they won t wait for nine months. so, let s get to mary bruce, she s live on the hill tonight. and mary, house speaker paul ryan, we ve learned, is at the white house right