there s an industry, that too big to fail has been solved. i don t think the changes have but soledad, what industry, what industry of such import would we say, well, we re knreay sure whether or not we ve got it under control. and this is why sherrod brown and david vitter have come together and said, look, we have a bill that will adjust the capitol requirements on banks and make sure that we re prot t protected. and the fact of the matter is, i understand that barney franks thinks he did some important stuff. but that i has not been dotted. that t has not been crossed it s hard to ask the guy whose name is on the bill, does the bill have teeth. that s a little counterproductive. i think that s right. and i think the problem with the dodd/frank approach, it assume ifs the regulation is clever enough, you can get things so, yes, the banks will be very big, but they will be safe and have ways to unwind them if