Reyes Espinoza, the lead defendant in a 60-person indictment of a San Diego-based drug network, was making $80,000 to $300,000 per week, a federal prosecutor estimated.
Reyes Espinoza, who pleaded to meth trafficking and money laundering conspiracies, was lead defendant in 60-person indictment of San Diego-based drug network
One year after the attack on the U.S. Capitol, elected officials and central Illinois residents said they remember the events of that day vividly. During a virtual vigil held by the Bloomington-Normal progressive activist group Voices of Reason, attendees recalled their thoughts at the moment a mob stormed the halls of government.
David Villegas fue el promotor más activo de la "compañía" que ofrece beneficios inverosímiles a partir de apuestas que vienen flojas de papeles. Ahora la Justicia definió que el hombre no puede irse de la Argentina. Días atrás, sorprendió a todos cuando anunció su retiro de GD. | Policiales | MDZOL.COM